Belle broche d'époque Napoléon III en argent poinçon tête de sanglier en forme de losange. Les motifs en forme de demi boules en argent gravé sont sertis alternativement de plaques de jaspe sanguin et de cabochons de grenat et ornés de fleurs d'or (impossibles à tester). Les cinq pampilles en chute dégradée sont formées de chatons articulés sertis en alternance de plaques de jaspe et de cabochons de grenat. Décor de fleurs gravé sur le dos de la broche.
Poinçon tête de sanglier sur l'accroche en C de la broche. All the items I put up for sale are those of one and only one collector who agrees to give up some of her treasures. They have all been the subject of a historical and aesthetic choice. Those that have been restored by the collector have been done with care and the restoration is reversible. If an item is restored, it is indicated in the description. I also try to set a price close to the market so that everyone can find their way around. However, for some items, offers are still possible if they are reasonable. If one or more items interest you, do not hesitate to ask for details, I will do my best to answer your request.